Why do teeth age?

Tooth deterioration is a natural process that affects everyone. The tissues of the body are constantly renewing themselves. But over time, the process slows down, and with the onset of adulthood, organs and tissues lose their function.

The same is true for tooth tissue, as the tooth enamel wears out and gradually loses its ability to repair itself as the tooth continues to be used, and the enamel wears down and gradually loses its ability to repair itself.

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There are 4 main causes of tooth wear:

1.Bite problems

2. Bruxism or bruxism

3. Incorrect brushing techniques lead to enamel erosion and gum damage

4. Eating disorders or nutritional deficiencies

While tooth aging is a normal process, if the effects are very significant, it can cause serious damage that goes far beyond purely aesthetic reasons. Serious damage far outweighs purely aesthetic motivation. Older people’s teeth lose their function, which can lead to a variety of discomforts and cause the appearance of health problems.

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What dental problems are associated with aging?

As we age, some changes in the structure of our teeth are absolutely normal.

However, when they occur at an accelerated rate, at a younger age, or when symptoms are very pronounced, the risk of dental diseases that affect the overall health of the body increases.

Tooth decay

Due to the wear and tear of the enamel, the likelihood of tooth decay increases as the teeth age. In older adults, tooth decay is the cause of tooth decay formation, which is more frequent, and older adults are susceptible to the negative effects this has on intact oral health.

Tooth sensitivity

Another effect of aging is increased tooth sensitivity due to increased dentin exposure to enamel wear and gum recession. As a result of gum recession, another effect of aging is the increased sensitivity of the teeth. It is an increase in tooth sensitivity. As the years go by, the perception of cold, heat, and other stimuli becomes more pronounced in older adults. 

Periodontal disease

From the age of 40, the risk of periodontal disease increases. Older people have more fragile gums, which manifests as bleeding, inflammation, bad breath problems, and other symptoms that are common during the mature stage.


One pathological phenomenon that often affects the elderly is that the elderly have decreased saliva production. This is medically known as “thirst disorder” and is usually accompanied by changes in the composition of the microbiota and the microbiota of the mouth promotes the reproduction of cariogenic bacteria.


In addition to the above-mentioned changes that occur with tooth aging, the likelihood of partial or total tooth loss increases with age if oral diseases are not treated promptly. The likelihood of partial or total tooth loss increases with age. This is known as tooth loss, a condition that has a direct impact on the patient’s health beyond the aesthetic problems it poses.

Care to protect your teeth from aging

Aging of teeth is a process that cannot be stopped, but it can be cared for to maintain proper health. No matter what age you are, it’s important to put a series of recommendations into practice:

1. Brush your teeth daily and gums always after each meal. It is important to use a soft-bristled brush and avoid excessive force to avoid damaging the enamel and gums.

2. Use toothpaste for daily daily oral care Older adults use toothpaste that contains enough fluoride. Fluoride has the function of repairing tooth enamel and preventing teeth from weakening.

3. Use other accessories and products to complement oral hygiene, such as dental floss, interdental brushes, and mouthwashes. Thanks to these simple actions, we have the potential to enjoy healthier teeth and healthy teeth even in adulthood.

4. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups to detect and treat oral health problems as early as possible.

5. Follow a balanced diet, preferably avoiding sweet or sour foods and drinks, as well as smoking. Drink plenty of water every day.

6. Take care of stress and live a positive life as much as possible.

Week video: https://youtube.com/shorts/YXP5Jz8-_RE?si=VgdbieqrJwKN6v7Z

Post time: Dec-05-2023